Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Culture and Negotiations

How much do you know about culture?  If you were “negotiating” in a particular cultural environment, would you understand the rules by which that culture plays the game of life?  Here are some examples, answer true or false.

The Chinese won't spend much time gathering and exchanging information since they are often eager to get started with the bargaining exchange.

Negotiators in Israel often use silence as a pressure tactic to obtain further concessions.

In the Netherlands, a person sucking their thumb is signaling that he or she does not believe you.

In Japan, prices rarely move by more than 10-15% from initial offer to final agreement.

For more questions on negotiation and cultures go to:


How did you do?  Share your results.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the challenge/link! Boy do I need more education on cultural. My score of 50% was disappointing.:( Several answers I knew instantly, others I tried to guess based upon what I thought I knew about their overall cultural background [i.e. Japan, a shame-based culture].
Although I will not be negotiating deals in any of these counties anytime soon :); having an overall view and understanding of a person’s culture, helps in our task of: making disciples of all nations.
I have bookmarked the site for future reference!

Amrita said...

In India you launch into a bargain immediately