T’is the night before Christmas and all through our Delhi flat,
It’s so dang cold here, not a creature is stirring, not even a rat.
I look out the window, as the fog settles in,
And wonder if Jesus will be remembered in this world of sadness and sin?
With all the other gods the people do pray,
Will anyone remember why even celebrate this day?
I think of my kids, as they gather around their tree,
And pray for God blessing on them as they worship our Savior without Sandy and me.
We celebrate His birth with fellow believers tonight,
But I am reminded that our colleagues around the world are facing our same plight.
Grateful to God for His marvelous Grace,
It will be a wonderful Christmas without seeing jolly St. Nick’s face.
A poet I’m not, you no doubt agree by this time,
But it’s the thought that counts, not the uneven rhyme.
I just wanted to send out a greeting to all those we love,
And remember again our wonderful Lord and King above.
Merry Christmas.