Thursday, February 16, 2012

Short-Term Missions: It's A Life Changing Experience

I pulled this picture off of Facebook, it was produced by Experience Mission.  For a group that promotes short-term missions trips I thought it was pretty honest. 

Going to their FB page my eye caught the one phrase that drives me crazy.  One person wrote, “I went on a mission trip and it changed my life.”  It is the one testimony that every short-termer says.  I plead for originality, but it seems to be the only thing they know what to say.  No one ever says how it changed their lives, but going overseas for 10 days seems to have some impact.

A friend of mine in Nicaragua  wrote, “I maintain that short term mission trips, seminars, classes etc. (learning experiences) should be evaluated six months to a year after the event.  By then the shine has worn off and more of the truth might be evident.”  That’s a pretty good idea.   Maybe after 6 months that change of a lifetime will be more evident.