On Monday our youngest daughter, Sara, gave birth to their third child, our fifth grandchild. I am almost never in the country for the birth of my grandchildren; I was even 1,000 miles away when Sara was born. So to miss the birth of the latest addition was not unusual.
The birth celebration custom in India is after the birth the parents and/or grandparents give badam burfi (almond candy), to friends and family. Being on the other side of the world and not near family I bought some badam and distributed the sweets to my students and staff members where I am teaching in Hyderabad.
Someone asked me what the custom is for celebrating birth in America. It use to be the father passed out cigars, but with the tax on tobacco being so high and it being a socially incorrect practice, I’m not sure what people do these days.
What birth celebration rituals are practiced in your country?