Riddle: How are missionaries and politicians alike?
Answer: They
both are always raising funds.
Missionaries, of course don’t have the perks of government
“servants.” For most
cross-cultural workers, if they do have a salary, health insurance, a retirement
package or office expense, they must raise funds from churches and donors. Any ministry accomplished on the
mission field, such as building classrooms at a Bible school, digging a well or
printing study material, falls on the shoulders of the missionary to the find
funds for such projects.
Being a career missionary means one must also be a career fundraiser. Why?
A missionary seldom, if ever, is able to maintain 100% of his/her
support. Each year the missionary
receives notes from churches or individual contributors saying they will
have to discontinue their support.
Sometimes it’s because of an economic downturn in the donor’s
location. Sometimes it’s because
there is new leadership in the church and, though the congregation has
supported the missionary for twenty years, the new pastor may decide they will
drop that support because they don’t know them. Or perhaps the church takes on a different mission
philosophy or policy. Whether the
merits of donor attrition is valid or not is irrelevant, the fact of the matter
is, donor attrition makes career fund raising a reality.
The price at the pump is hard on everyone, including those who serve
overseas. We all know that prices
never go down, they just keep going up.
Housing rent, food, clothes, insurance, building materials and school
fees increase. Single donor support
seldom increases. Though the $50 a
month support is regular, and certainly appreciated, its value is drastically
depleted. The buying power of $50
in 1992 now takes $81.82 in 2012.
Continual support raising is an attempt to keep up with inflation.
One reason there are fewer people committing to serving
overseas as missionaries is this obstacle of fund raising. I meet young people often who tell me
they would like to be missionaries but they just don’t like the idea of going
to friends and churches and asking for support. It seems like a lousy system, but for career missionaries
it’s the only system they have for living and working cross-culturally.
Being a missionary is an honorable calling and, unlike
politicians, it is a profession that is driven by service, not by an attempt
for power or economic advancement (that is not to say there are not honorable
politicians, but their profession is often perceived as being more self-serving
than serving the people). Career
missionaries are not in it for the money, power or economic advancement, they
just want to serve Christ in taking the Gospel to those who do not know Him.
To those of us who support missionaries, individually and
corporately through our local church, may we continually be sensitive to their
financial needs. May we never
assume that because they are on the field they are doing okay. May our prayers on their behalf be
matched with realization that without our support they cannot carry on the task
of the Great Commission.