There is a lot of confusion in the American church when it comes to missions. First of all, what is missions? Which project listed below would your church fund out of the mission budget?
a. Vacation Bible School
b. Radio or television ministry
c. Youth camp
d. Christian crisis pregnancy clinics
e. Promise Keepers event
f. Starting a new church in the neighboring town or state
g. Funding mission or global outreach conference
If your view of missions leans more towards cross-cultural work, what projects does your church support (probably a combination with the list below, so what are the percentages)?
1. Church planting only
2. Church planting primarily in unreached countries
3. Social programs (orphanages, food programs or medical projects)
4. Training programs (schools, training material, trainers)
5. Literature (Bibles, tracts)
6. American personnel
7. National pastors or evangelists
What is your definition of missions? Last week I heard of a young couple that presented their ministry for Senegal. The mission committee responded by saying, “We would love to support you, but our short-term mission trips have depleted our budget.” Recently a “mission team” from Louisianaiana traveled to northwest Arkansas to conduct Back Yard Bible Clubs. Just what is missions?