Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Can You Hear Me Now?

Standing in the middle of a busy street, some guy asked, “Why are you taking a picture of a telephone pole?”

“Foreigners. They do the strangest things,” he probably was thinking as he walked away.

Later I told my friend that the telephone pole is a visual metaphor of the problem with communication. Whether it’s between person-to-person or person-to-God, the wires on that pole in Bihar symbolize the problem with maintaining a good relationship. If I look close enough perhaps I can make out a bird’s nest, or is that just a rusted light cover? Where do the electric line and the phone line cross? Gee, not only is there a problem with voice transmission, it’s shorting out the power!

My life is filled with my wires twisted, crossed, cluttered. No wonder I can’t hear the voice of God, the wire is either cut or choked by the other junk that is cutting me off from the main line. I wonder sometimes if God isn’t trying to make connection but on the other end no one is picking up. “I think I hear you, Lord. Can you speak a little louder?”

“Fix the line, Richard…Can you hear me now?”


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...I love it!!! That picture is crazy! What a great metaphor. And strangely relevant right now. I was just thinking yesterday how I'm not sure who's voice I hear and why am I so confused about 'is it God speaking...or something else'. Good stuff, doc.

AfricaBleu said...

And yet, when I call about a computer problem and some tech guy in India answers, the only problem I have is understanding the accent.

What do you think THAT means? :)